

Pre-School (Girls & Boys Aged 2-4 Years)

Within our Pre-School every child is nurtured as an individual and this begins from the moment the children start with us. We work closely with parents and carers to ensure that our children can take full advantage of all our Pre-School has to offer from their very first day.

Our Pre-School is sessional, with parents free to choose which sessions their child attends. For the children to gain the most from our Pre-School we highly recommend that all children attend for a minimum of four sessions which increases to six sessions in the September before they start in Reception and eight in their final term of Pre-School.


Stimulating activities and resources greet the children on their arrival at Pre-School. There are opportunities for children to embrace their own learning as well as carefully planned teacher led activities to ignite the children’s learning, imagination and creativity. Throughout their time in Pre-School the children are prepared for entering full time education.


Throughout our EYFS department we have an enabling, inspiring environment with well-qualified, knowledgeable staff who craft the curriculum around the children, moulding the learning to each individual child’s needs.

Our EYFS department at Highfield embraces children in our Pre-School and Reception classes. The department is based in the lower grounds of the school where we can take advantage of the large playground, mud kitchen, eco-garden and climbing wall as well our purposed built indoor and covered classrooms.

Throughout our EYFS department we believe in an open and honest relationship with our parents and carers who are an integral part of our school community and with whom we trust to tell us quickly of any issues. Parents and carers are always willing to join us for events and celebrations in school and receive regular updates on their child’s learning experiences. Our door is always open.

In this section

“Highfield provides an excellent academic environment coupled with the delights of a smaller school – it’s like being part of one big family.”

Highfield Parent – Summer ’22

“Highfield is the best kept secret in Maidenhead. If you walk through the door you’ll never regret it.”

Highfield Parent – Summer ’22

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