Highfield Preparatory School
2 West Road
Berkshire SL6 1PD
USEFUL Information

The Highfield PTA is supported by parent class representatives from across the school as well as parents who offer to help out and organise events throughout the year.
The purpose of the PTA is to raise funds, be that for new equipment or resources for the playground, the eco-garden or exciting sports equipment, such as the AirTrack which the children absolutely love to use in gym classes. Other items purchased recently include: a state of the art digital weather station, balance bikes in the Early Years and a class set of ukeleles and keyboards for the music department.
The PTA also funds a present for every pupil at Christmas delivered by the Big Man himself…
The great thing is that most of the fundraising activities mean more fun things for the pupils and the parents to do – events such as the Summer Fair, Halloween Disco, movie nights and the annual Quiz night, all organised and run by the PTA.Â
The PTA also organise and run the Nearly New Uniform sales, pre-loved Halloween costume and Christmas Jumper Sales. They also support fundraising initiatives and charity events.
Quite simply, the PTA is only limited in what it can do for the school community by the number of people that will give their time to help.  The more people that are willing to help, the more great events we can run, the more funds we can raise and the more things we can invest in for the girls. We’re a friendly bunch and we’d love to hear from you if you have some spare time and would like to get involved in running some events – or maybe even suggesting some of your own – please get in touch!Â
PTA meetings are usually held each term, and everyone and anyone is welcome.  They are a great chance to share some ideas and meet other parents. If you’d like to have a say on where the hard-earned PTA money gets spent, or if you have some great ideas for fundraising, it’s a good opportunity to let us know.  If you’re not able to get to the meetings, just get in touch with any one of us either at drop off or pick up, or by email and say hello.
In addition, every year group also has two PTA reps who are invaluable in helping to disseminate information and in rallying the troops when it comes to the larger events such as the Summer fair. If you fancied getting involved at this level, then please do volunteer next year! There are also termly PTA coffee mornings which are a great chance to chat to Ms Wallace, our Deputy Head, and perhaps learn about new things happening within the school.
If you’ve got lots of time, or a little bit of time, lots of ideas or only a few, please get in touch!  We’re only as strong as the support we have from other parents. We look forward to meeting you at Highfield soon.
Highfield PTA
“Highfield is the very best of schools. It has been perfect for our daughter and I couldn’t ask for more. It’s family culture sets it apart and it has all the right values. It is diverse, inclusive, teaches right and wrong from an early stage and aims to produce kind and clever girls who are aware of the world and care for the people around them. We did consider moving our daughter to be in the same school as our son for ease but we couldn’t do it!”
Highfield Parent – Summer ’22