Highfield Preparatory School
2 West Road
Berkshire SL6 1PD
USEFUL Information

At Highfield, we cater to a range of mild learning difficulties. We can support children with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD, ASD, and maths anxiety. Our staff are supported with continuous professional development in these areas throughout the academic year as well as provided with opportunities to further extend their interests in these areas. We have adopted the ethos that teaching for a child with additional needs is the same as teaching for all children.
We create and use individualised Pupil Passports as a working document that follows the child through the academic years. This working document supports all teachers with techniques and tools that can be used in the classroom to ensure all children are able to access the learning to their full potential.
The Pupil Passports are written with the Graduated Approach of ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’. The graduated approach ensures that children’s interventions and support are regularly reviewed and updated. This is extremely vital in Highfield’s view of supporting children with additional needs to keep personalised support up-to-date and ensure that this has an ongoing impact on both social and academic abilities. They are written and updated every term in partnership with the form tutors, SENCO, specialist teachers, parents and pupils.
The current form of support available at Highfield the use of small group or 1:1 reader with a specialist staff across the school, pre teaching sessions with maths specialists prior to the upcoming learning to reduce anxiety and short sharp precision teaching to develop confidence and reduce misconceptions.
Further information regarding the support for children with additional needs can be found in the Highfield’s SEND policy and the accessibility policy on the website. Additionally, our SENDCO is always happy to discuss questions or needs via e-mail.
Local Support and Recommendations:
Events Archive – PSC (parentingspecialchildren.co.uk)
“Highfield is the very best of schools. It has been perfect for our daughter and I couldn’t ask for more. It’s family culture sets it apart and it has all the right values. It is diverse, inclusive, teaches right and wrong from an early stage and aims to produce kind and clever girls who are aware of the world and care for the people around them. We did consider moving our daughter to be in the same school as our son for ease but we couldn’t do it!”
Highfield Parent – Summer ’22